Quick Quarantine Project - Pen/Pencil/Brush Holder
I've been shopping my home during our quarantine to see what isn't being used and/or what I can MacGyver into something. I found a few wood pieces from previous projects to patch together to fix an area I have. While cutting a piece, I discovered it was hollow. I had a small strip, cut an extra piece, and turned them into a pen/pencil/brush holder. I sanded and used Gorilla Wood Glue to attach. Painted what I could white and it was done. Thanks for checking out my quick project. Maybe you can find something quick to make yourself. - hope you're doing well and hope that maybe I sparked a bit of creativity or courage in you! (on with the yammer. . .) So, if you're still reading instead of hopping somewhere else, you're either one of those people who want all the info or maybe you're one of us who has already cleaned more than you ever wanted to and/or just...