Quick Quarantine Project - Pen/Pencil/Brush Holder

     I've been shopping my home during our quarantine to see what isn't being used and/or what I can MacGyver into something.  I found a few wood pieces from previous projects to patch together to fix  an area I have.  While cutting a piece, I discovered it was hollow.

     I had a small strip, cut an extra piece, and turned them into a pen/pencil/brush holder.  I sanded and used Gorilla Wood Glue to attach.  Painted what I could white and it was done.

     Thanks for checking out my quick project.  Maybe you can find something quick to make yourself.

- hope you're doing well and hope that maybe I sparked a bit of creativity or courage in you!

(on with the yammer. . .)

     So, if you're still reading instead of hopping somewhere else, you're either one of those people who want all the info or maybe you're one of us who has already cleaned more than you ever wanted to and/or just want to spend some time reading more. . .

     I'm no expert here, but obviously, wear eye and hearing protection/safety gear when using power tools and only use when you know what you are doing - it's not that difficult.  Ask someone who does or do a quick YouTube search if you need.  I also wore shoes because I was outside.  I only mention feet protection because we're in a time where it's common to see memes about 8 p.m. being a time when people change from their day pjs into their night pjs.

  To make the glue stick well, I sanded everything until they were rough "enough".  I then wet the wood using a spray bottle before adding the glue.  Earlier, I read the bottle (shocking, I know - apparently, not all glues work the same, so a quick check couldn't hurt). . .  It mentioned that the glue will work better if you wet the surface before putting the glue on.  I also clamped the pieces together with what I think are the cheapest clamps from Harbor Freight (possibly free with a coupon - it's been awhile).
     Gluing the second piece above the first scrap piece holds things better because it doesn't allow them to topple over.  I'm not sure if I'd prefer to just have two, bigger pieces glued together instead of three, but I was using what I had.  I'm not sure if I'd come up with this project if I didn't have the first smaller piece left over from another project.  I suppose I'll appreciate the three pieces when I'm using a smaller pencil (or the eraser shown in the pic) - or when something small falls inside and I won't have to tip the whole thing over to get it out.  (Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'll still end up dropping something in the bigger area in the back, but hopefully I'll still find a way to appreciate the big space.)
    I painted the fronts, sides, and insides of all three pieces.  So far, I've left the back unpainted because it won't show in the spot it's going on my desk and it tells the story of the old piece.

     In case you were wondering about the story of the old piece, I'll explain.  If not, please just skip this paragraph ; )   Last time we went to my mom's house, I noticed that she had shelves from my childhood room.  Many of my relatives and I have tried to get my mom to let go of some things for quite some time now (to put it mildly and keep my "Queen of Understatement" crown), so I snatched them up thinking I'd either use them or toss them out.  As you can see in the first picture, the shelves were painted a pale lavender.  After I sanded, there was two shades of yellow (I vaguely remember my room having more of a darker, mustard yellow color, then getting a new coat of a lighter paint before my parents listened me).  I had a Holly Hobby room of yellow for way too many years.  I complained and begged to get something else (partially because I was too old for poor ol' Holly, partially because I don't ever remember liking yellow).  Shortly after I finally got my wish of different paint, we moved.  Not only did I have to move out of a room I finally got to make my own, but into a room that was - you probably guessed it - yellow!  Now, yellow can make me smile a bit because of this story and because it makes me think of my BFFFFF/sistah from another mistah who's favorite color is, yep, yellow.

     If you're a "pinner," you can check me out at https://www.pinterest.com/daylightdesigns/

     If you're curious and want to check out my other blog (I'm planning of working on it in a bit), it's at  http://daylight-designs.blogspot.com/


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